
For All The Journeys Ahead

Words By Youna Choi

No matter how far or near the destination may be; or how accustomed or unfamiliar the terrain, we launched our Metro Collection made especially for everyday journeys.

2020 was the year that shifted the world into a humbled perspective. A “new normal” settled upon us in a rather surreal way and redefined the many ways we experience life. Travel having become one of the most changed. Planes were grounded in unprecedented waves. Borders closed between partner nations for the first time in decades. And entire cities were left without their expected millions of visitors.

We eagerly look forward to the days ahead when novelty and adventure can once again mean jetting off to a foreign country and purposefully getting lost by the command of spontaneity. But 2020 reminded us that the feeling of travel, the essence of exploration, and newness can be found anywhere with the right perspective, even in our own familiar neighbourhood.

Considering all the dimensions of travel both new and old, we set out to design the perfect bag that would seamlessly adapt in any situation. No matter how far or near the destination may be; or how accustomed or unfamiliar the terrain, we launched our Metro Collection made especially for everyday journeys.

Inspired by a principle of modern architecture that form follows function, our Metro bags were designed with practicality in mind. Its unique QuickSnap™ Modular Kit System allows you to easily detach or swap out interchangeable kits according to your day’s needs and ensures that your essentials are just a quick snap away. All the while maintaining a timeless and aesthetic appeal.

Whether it's the commute to the office or a quick weekend getaway out in nature, our aim is for the Metro bag to fulfill all of your travel needs and become a trustworthy sidekick to accompany the many journeys we embark on ahead. ■


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$263 AUD $315 AUD

11 colours available


Carry-On Pro

$313 AUD $375 AUD

11 colours available

Expandable Carry-On

$395 AUD

3 colours available

Ocean Blue

Expandable Carry-On Pro

$465 AUD

3 colours available

Ocean Blue


Check-In Medium

$363 AUD $435 AUD

11 colours available

Check-In Large

$485 AUD

11 colours available

Expandable Check-In Medium

$525 AUD

3 colours available

Ocean Blue


Carry-On Plus

$313 AUD $375 AUD

11 colours available

Carry-On Pro Plus

$415 AUD

11 colours available

Hybrid Carry-On

$485 AUD

5 colours available


Hybrid Carry-On Plus

$555 AUD

5 colours available


Hybrid Check-In Medium

$595 AUD

5 colours available


Hybrid Check-In Large

$655 AUD

5 colours available


Hybrid Trunk

$735 AUD

5 colours available


Luggage Cover

$65 AUD

11 sizes available

Luggage Tag

$40 AUD

4 colours available

Desert Taupe